We want to share the results of our participation in the ‘TÚ CAMBIAS SUS VIDAS’ project by the Prójimo Próximo Foundation. Since 2001, the foundation has been dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities facing economic challenges

Our contribution has focused on providing tailored treatments and materials to meet the individual needs of Irina, Brandon, Dulce, and Cristian.

We highlight cases like that of Irina, a Ukrainian refugee with Spastic Tetraparesis, to whom we provided new crutches, achieving significant improvements.

Brandon, with spastic diplegia and severe hearing loss, the twin brother of John, has experienced improvements with a wheelchair, accessories, speech therapy, and adapted swimming. We seek continuous support for his physiotherapy, as he now walks with assistance.

Dulce, facing Acute Necrotizing Encephalomyelitis, received urgent assistance to change her wheelchair and other elements, alleviating the precarious socio-economic situation of her family.

Cristian, with Autism Spectrum Disorder, has received support in his adapted aquatic therapy for two years.

These cases highlight our commitment to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities and the importance of alliances with the Prójimo Próximo Foundation, achieving significant changes.

The success stories of Irina, Brandon, Dulce, and Cristian testify to the positive impact we have had on their lives. Through the delivery of materials, treatments, and support, significant improvements have been achieved.

On behalf of the Pérez y Cía. Group, we want to emphasize the importance of these alliances. Prójimo Próximo collaborates with over 50 disability support centers, strengthening their progress and positively impacting society.

Our commitment goes beyond providing aid; it is about building a more inclusive and compassionate society. Pérez y Cía. Group joins the Prójimo Próximo Foundation in the hope that, in the near future, foundations will no longer be necessary because solidarity becomes an intrinsic value in our society.

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