It is a pleasure for us to announce that we have reached a global agreement to sponsor the Spanish SailGP team until season 5.
We have reached a global sponsorship agreement until 2025. This announcement comes after a first collaboration in the Spain Sail Grand Prix | Andalusia – Cádiz hold in September where we decided to bet on this kind of competition that combines elite sport and sustainability.
The extension of the agreement runs from the remaining part of Season 3 -from January to May – through Season 5. It represents the first venture into sports sponsorship by Pérez y Cía. Group, and shows its confidence in the Spain SailGP Team in the mid-long term and the potential of this sport in Spain and globally.
Pérez y Cía. Group will have visibility on the F50 Victoria, as well as on the team’s equipment, in addition to experiential rights and digital content during the aforementioned seasons.
This arrangement confirms our commitment, which will get along with the advancement of Spanish sport as it embodies the same ecological sustainability in which SailGP has been engaged since its creation.
Javier Ferrer Muñoz-Seca, President and CEO of Pérez y Cía. Group, underlines: “We share with the Spain SailGP Team important values such as sustainability, hard work and an unbreakable will to win and improve every day – values that anyone can aspire to.”
Gonzalo Pérez-Maura, vice president of Grupo Pérez y Cía. has referred to the extension of this global agreement: “After the magnificent experience in Cádiz we are excited to extend our partnership with the Spain SailGP Team to the rest of this season and beyond and continue our involvement in such a fascinating project with so much potential”.
María del Mar de Ros, CEO of the Spanish SailGP team affirms: “We are proud to count Pérez y Cía. as our team Official Partner. SailGP and each of the teams in the League are constantly growing, and we are thrilled to see there are more and more brands interested in partnering with us,” to which she adds “The collaboration we did during the Spain Sail Grand Prix | Andalucía-Cádiz presented by NEAR laid the groundwork for the partnership we are making official today”.
Marc Masagué, Commercial Director of the Spanish Team: “We are very pleased to be finalizing a partnership which is a perfect fit with our commercial strategy. It consists of a long-term alliance between two properties who are aligned in terms of sustainability, purpose and impact, a fact which will be reflected through the agreed activation plan.