We collaborate to help improve the daily lifes of many people with disabilities and without resources.

Pérez y Cía. Group supports annually a variety of nonprofit organizations with a special emphasis on those that work to achieve sustainability, diversity and inclusion, in this occasion helping people with disabilities and without economic resources.

We are proud to have started this year with a donation to Prójimo Próximo, which main objetive is to exclusively cover the health needs of people with disabilities and without economic means which Social Security does not cover. Only in Madrid live 53.000 people with life limitation 50%, of our demand is recurrent. Children, for example, their needs grow up with them …


In 1995 a group of volunteers starts visiting disabled people in a residence located in Leganés (Madrid). In 2001 the Foundation was created based on the increasing demand of help due to a lack of resources provided to disabled people from the public administration and Social Security. In 2018 they covered more than 95 disable peoble aid, amounting around 140,000 eur. In 2019 they foresee a demand increment over the 25% All its aid comes from private contributors. No public subventions granted.

Because there is a limited coverage by Social Security to wheelchairs, glasses, prosthesis, orthotics, cochlear implants, visual or hearing devices, oral treatments, housing adaptation … and so on.

Its activity is possible thanks to private economic contributions and the collaboration of sensitive people and institutions aware of the effort that each one can make so that people with disabilities have a better life.

Do you want to know a little more about Prójimo Próximo?