Pérez y Cía. Group is pleased to announce its recent donation to NDE (Naves de Esperanza), an organization dedicated to providing free, high-quality healthcare services through its hospital ships.

About Naves de Esperanza

Naves de Esperanza is an international humanitarian and development organization that uses hospital ships and land-based programs to provide transformative medical services free of charge to those in need. Since 1978, Naves de Esperanza has helped over 2.9 million direct beneficiaries. Most of the countries Naves de Esperanza has assisted are considered among the world’s most in need, according to the United Nations Human Development Index.

Their Commitment

  • Free Surgeries: Over 117,000 performed.
  • Direct Beneficiaries: Over 2.8 million people.
  • Volunteers: More than 1,200 each year.
  • Countries Visited: 56 around the world.

Naves de Esperanza‘s mission of “bringing hope to the needy” began in 1978. Since then, hospital ships filled with volunteer professionals have been sent each year to perform life-changing surgeries. For over 40 years, Naves de Esperanza has focused its efforts on providing surgery and strengthening healthcare infrastructure in the nations they serve.

“Thanks to the support of friends and partners, children and families suffering from painful, disfiguring, and often preventable diseases have found the healing they so desperately needed,” says Gerardo Vangioni, president of Naves de Esperanza.

Perez y Cía. Group’s Commitment

At Perez y Cía. Group, we are committed to supporting initiatives that make a significant difference in people’s lives. Our collaboration with NDE is another step in our journey towards a healthier and more sustainable future for all. We firmly believe in the power of collaboration and solidarity to generate a positive impact in the world.

Learn More and Support

To learn more about the incredible work of NDE and how you can support their mission, visit: www.nde.ong


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