This Tuesday, Pérezy Cía. Group commemorated its distinguished legacy at the prestigious Breakbulk Europe. The celebration, held at a central hotel with views of the iconic Erasmus Bridge, gathered more than 200 partners, clients, and friends from the sector, providing a unique opportunity to highlight the company’s core values: sustainability, effort, and continuous improvement.

The event, which was attended by representatives from prominent companies and ports such as Chipolbrok, Marinter, Casper, Zuidnatie, and the ports of Santander, Gijón, Avilés, and Bilbao, served as an ideal platform to present the Spanish SailGP team, sponsored by Pérez y Cía. Group. This sponsorship reinforces the company’s commitment to the advancement of Spanish sports and ecological sustainability.

Breakbulk Europe is a key event for Pérez y Cía., especially for its Projects and Chartering division, which leads the maritime transport of renewable energy in Spain. During the celebration, support for the Spanish SailGP team, a world sailing championship known for its advanced technology and focus on sustainability, was also emphasized.

The president of Pérezy Cía. Group, Javier Ferrer, delivered an emotional speech highlighting the company’s evolution since its founding in 1853. Ferrer emphasized how the company has maintained its leadership in the maritime and logistics sector, expanding to more than 45 offices in 15 countries and employing a team of over 1,300 professionals. He underscored the importance of innovation, sustainability, and excellence, values shared with the SailGP team, represented at the event by its CEO Tony Alquézar and team strategist Nicole van der Velden.

“For us, supporting sustainable and high-impact initiatives in the world of sports is a natural extension of our values,” said Ferrer. “It is an honor to support the Spanish SailGP team and witness their remarkable achievements.”

The celebration was not only an occasion to reflect on the history and achievements of Pérezy Cía. Group but also to reaffirm its commitment to a sustainable future. Attendees enjoyed an atmosphere of camaraderie, exchanging anecdotes and sharing experiences with the SailGP team.

In summary, Grupo Pérez y Cía.’s celebration in Rotterdam not only marked a milestone in its history but also reaffirmed the principles that have guided its expansion and success in the competitive global maritime sector. With a firm focus on sustainability, effort, and continuous improvement, the company is well-positioned to continue its remarkable growth in the years to come.

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